Eye Makeup

One way to improve the appearance to look beautiful is by eye makeup. You can change your appearance by changing the look of your eyes. If you have a rather small eyes, you can also prevent your eyes cosmetic look small. But the Makeup to make it look natural is the perfect choice for your eyes.

Through the eyes, the man looked at each other. Starting from a view can occur a response in dealing with one another. A good view is influenced by the appearance of beautiful eyes and handsome of course. For that, it's not a taboo when the eye as a tool to see other people as beautiful as possible to be able to provide a memorable experience for anyone who saw it. It happens primarily for women. For women, the eye is the body part that cannot be missed for a make over. With the eyes of a beautiful woman would be much more confident.

Pretty Eye Makeup with 4 Easy Ways

The following are some tips that you can do to decorate your eyes to look more beautiful and charming.

Disguise the Black Ring under the eyes
Many women complain of a black ring under the eyes. You need to know, the black ring is caused by several factors such as stress, allergies and sleep deprivation. The eye area is in need of extra attention because it is a part of the soft. For that, you need to be diligent about providing a moisturizing cream on the SAC of the eye. Tool used to disguise the black stain in the eyes is a concealer. It would be nice, you use a concealer lighter than foundation. Use the sedikt powder in order not easily wear off.

This tool is used for finishing in decorating the eyes. Mascara is used to make the eyes you look thicker, darker and increased the length so it looks more beautiful. How to use it do not need very thick, simply wiggle the brush to the left and to the right and then proceed to the lashes. Avoid repetition as it makes the mascara is thus increasingly bold.

Use False Eyelashes
Is a very reasonable thing when women use false eyelashes to make the eyes appear more beautiful. You need to consider in choosing a false eyelashes is ukura which must be proportional to the size of the eye. After making the measurements, the scissors so that the same length. Use glue to attach lashes slowly. And that is not less important is we suggest you use tweezers to help you in putting up the eyes.

Smoky Eyes
This makeup can make you eyes look more elegant and sexy. You can give the effect of dark or light on the eye. In General, the color black is often used, but you can also apply to use the Brown, green, purple and any color as you please.

Eye Makeup Based on Shape

If you are dissatisfied with the tips above, don't get discouraged because you can do the following techniques so that the eyes still look beautiful. The following gives beauty tips Guide for those of you who want to beautify your appearance according to the shape of your eyes.

Eye rather small
Usually owned by people of Chinese descent or oriental. Techniques that can be used are:
  • When eyes are rather small and have no folds or eyelids, use scotch tape. The trick is the scissors of 2-3 mm, the shape becomes like a Crescent Moon and paste the above line faint eyelids. This will form folds or eyelids.
  • When using eyeliner, don't make the line too long to get through the outer eye corner that will make eyes look to be in line.
  • Use smoked eyes using makeup eyeshadow color a bit dark as dark brown, dark blue, dark purple, dark green or dark grey.
  • When you want to use false eyelashes the eyelashes, avoid too big and thick because it will look unnatural. Choose lashes eyelashes or half diameter unit.
  • Use mascara rather thick so that it gives the impression of round eyes.

Big Eye
Eye makeup techniques to You that big-eyed are:
  • The opposite of eye sipit, you can draw a line lengthwise using eyeliner to get through the corner lashes.
  • Avoid dark colored eyeshadow. Otherwise use colored silver eyeshadow or other light colors.

Marsupial's Eye
The eyes will look pale, swollen or marsupial on the bottom due to lack of sleep or too tired. To the eyes of the Marsupial can use eye makeup techniques to improve the appearance of the following:

After using the Foundation, you can cover the eye pouches using concealer. Keep in mind, not too thick to use concealer to cover pouch eyes because it will cause a pile and wrinkles that are not natural. Select a concealer color color of approaching Foundation to make it look natural.
  • Use TALC sow to flatten the color in the area under the eyes.
  • Select eyeliner with color not too dark so that the eye area doesn't look increasingly dark. Dark brown color is suitable, blend in naturally in the eye.

Eyes Are Far Apart
The location of the eye that far can be corrected by using the following techniques:
  1. Create shading which gives the impression of being close to the eyes.
  2. Extend the base of the eyebrows so that the eyes look more closely.
  3. Avoid using eyeshadow with light colors on the inside corner of the eye.

Different Eye Shapes
Form between the right eye and the left eye is generally is not the same, but when the differences look pretty clear disruptive appearance. To correct the shape of your eyes can do the following tips:
  1. Use false eyelashes. The trick is to use the appropriate form of an eye for an eye is better. As for the other pairs of eyes lashes at the outer corners of the eyes at a higher position.
  2. Create line the outer corner eye by using a thicker eyeliner.
  3. Rather thick mascara sweep on the outer corner of the eye who want corrected.

Eyes Down
Due to the influence of age or genetic factors, one can look down so it looks less enchanting. To resolve this problem, you can do the following:
  1. Use scotch tape on the eyelids.
  2. Select eyeliner black and wear thicker at the outside corner of the eye the top or bottom.
  3. Dark color eyeshadow in order to blend in the eyes appear larger. Use the eyeshadow with the way drawn starting from 1/3 outer petals angle towards the top to form an angle of 90 degrees.
With some eye makeup techniques, you can make your eyes more and prettier. You can now perform more attractive with the perfect eye makeup.

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