
Makeup is an activity change the appearance of the actual original form with the help of cosmetic ingredients and tools. The term makeup more often directed at changing the shape of the face, although in fact the whole body can be ornamental.
Makeup takes a lot of knowledge about:
• Anatomy (to provide the ideal shape of the limbs)
• Characterization of Color and lines (to give personal characterization)
• Tint (for smooth end result of Cosmetology)
• Color Composition

best beauty makeup

Corrective Makeup

Aims to change physical appearance which is rated less than perfect. Corrective makeup is a type of makeup is most often done by the community. Then corrective makeup is always associated with panampilan natural and simple. But more elegant, because it may correct the deficiency and excess in our face to make it look fresher.

Makeup for fashion/art (Styling make up)

Change the look of pure is an activity for the purposes of art. Painted body (Body painting) is one example of styling make up activities. Makeup for characterization. Widely used for the benefit of the world of acting and entertainment. Every color and cosmetics used are intended to shape the character of a particular character/, for example the use of dark eye shadow to give the character a grumpy.

Makeup for fashion and art

Makeup and fashion is the completeness of supporting choreography that is important because it has a visual nature. The audience a show will certainly pay attention to carefully makeup and clothing. The expectations of the audience obviously tried to make it easier to understand the content of the dance that is submitted.

Basic skills about makeup for dance teacher urgently needed, since the end of a training is staging. For the students, of course, it is not possible they can carry out their own activities. This will encourage teachers to be skilled with addressing the question of staging. Apart from that, if students are encouraged to cosmetic in salon-salon will certainly give rise to new problems. The reason is not necessarily the beauty shop to know the characteristics of the intended dance by dance teacher. Therefore, this brief possible knowledge can provide a very useful, the rest are certainly possible teachers can develop more in depth.

The Notion and Function of the Makeup

Makeup and fashion meant it can be seen in the descriptions below.

1. Makeup for Cosmetology

Basically, the make-up is not something foreign to everyone, especially women, because makeup is an aspect to support appearances and has become a daily habit. Makeup for the choreography is the completeness of the appearance that is absolute. An actor or artris at the time will appear in front of the public always prepare cosmetic face. This is due to the limited view (vision) eyes a person in reaching distant objects, which range between 5 – 7 metres, some even reaching approximately 20 meters. Thus, someone who appears in the distance need to have help from cosmetic equipment so that his face can still be seen clearly.

In addition, cosmetology also aim to make the appearance of different everyday conditions with dancers, especially if it is a dance performed requires a different facial appearance, would be older, younger, or certain animals face resembles described. Thus, the makeup for the choreography had certain differences with everyday makeup. The difference could lie in aspects of form, material, or engineering. Everything will depend on the concept of choreography.

2. The Function of Makeup

Based on its functions, makeup for the choreography can be divided into two ways, i.e. as follows.
1. Cosmetology serve as snacks that assert lines (contur) faces
Someone who appears in public (public) within a relatively much need specific ways to make the lines of his face seemed clear, namely that consists of lines on the eyebrows, eyes, nose, and mouth (LIP).
In addition it is also expected to face doesn't look too flat (flat), but the expected presence of shadows on dent-Dent's face (shadow) in the form of a bony. Bony were meant to show the dimensions of a face.

2. Makeup serves as character-forming
Cosmetology in addition serves to reaffirm the facial lines, tat arias stage (stage make up) serves as a shaper of character dancer, i.e. clarify or expresses the presence of certain figures. Thus, makeup function to change the face of the original becomes the face of certain figures in accordance with the concept of choreography.


Efforts to correct skin care can be done by first must know the different skin types and traits or attributes in order to determine the ways of proper care, choose the corresponding cosmetics, specify the color for the makeup as well as to determine the correction action both in treatment and in makeup. Healthy skin has characteristics:
  1. Skin has enough moisture, making it look wet or dewy
  2. The skin supple and toned
  3. Display brightness of the actual skin color
  4. The skin looks smooth, soft and free of blemishes, acne or fungus
  5. Skin look fresh and radiant
  6. Have little wrinkles according to age.
In General, most types of human skin can be grouped into:


Normal skin tends to be easily treated. because of the oil that excreted balanced, not excessive or deficient. However, normal skin should still be treated so always clean, toned, soft and fresh. If not immediately cleared, dirt on the skin can be a normal pimple. In addition the untreated skin will be prone to premature aging like wrinkles and it looks else looked tired.

The characteristics of normal skin is dewy, moist skin soft, fresh and glowing, silky and smooth, without acne, elastic, and it doesn't look excessive oil well not look dry. Although if seen at a glance is not problematic, normal skin remains to be kept and cared for properly, because if not treated, normal skin moisture and suppleness will be disrupted, there is a buildup of dead skin and dirt can cause the onset of acne.


Oily skin is experienced by many women in the tropics. Due to hormonal influences, normal oily skin found on the teen age daughter about 20 annual, although in women age 30-40 years old who experienced it. Causes of oily skin is because the oil glands (sebaceous gland) is very productive, to not being able to control the amount of oil that must be removed.

Sebaceaous gland on oily skin which is usually located in the dermis, easily triggered to work more actively. The trigger can be either internal factors or external factors, namely:
a. Internal factors include:
  1. Genetic Factors: children of parents who have the kind of oily skin, oily skin will have likely anyway.
  2. Hormonal Factors: human hormone greatly affects the production of sweat. That's why in women who are menstruating or pregnant will be more frequent sweating. Besides stress and a lot of motion can also be a trigger for excessive sweating.
b. external factors include:
  1. Hot air or moist.
  2. Foods that can stimulate the secretion of sweat like food that is too spicy or chili pepper is good because, the food was too salty, pungent spicy foods such as garlic, the food is too greasy and food and drinks are too hot.
Oily skin requires special care compared to normal skin. On this type of skin, excessive oil that is left will be a good medium for the growth of bacteria which at the time would be acne, inflammation or infection.

Care for oily skin does not mean make the skin really is free of oil, because the oil on the skin remain necessary as a means of natural protector from sunburn, chemical ingredients contained in cosmetics as well as pollution. That needs to be done is to keep the oil levels stay balanced and the skin remains in a State of clean so that bacteria causes acne can be hampered. Have the kind of oily skin, there is a surplus that is helping keep the moisture layer of the dermis to maintaining the slow onset of wrinkles.

Characteristics of oily skin on T area

Characteristics of oily skin, namely: oil in the area T seem exaggerated, skin texture is thick with large pores to easily absorb dirt, easy breakouts, face look shiny, makeup face often can not be attached properly and quickly wear off and not easily arise wrinkles.


Dry skin has a characteristic which is pretty inconvenient for its owners, because dry skin in General give rise to effects that are not fresh on skin, and any skin tend to look wrinkled. Dry skin has a very low oil levels and tend to be sensitive, so it looks parched skin due to not being able to retain moisture. The hallmark of dry skin is the skin feel stiff as interested after face wash and will subside once the coated with moisturizing cream.

This skin condition can become worse when exposed to wind, weather changes from cold to hot or vice versa. Lines or wrinkles around the eyes and cheeks, around the lips can show up easily on the face skinned to dry. The various factors that cause the skin to become dry, including the following:
  1. Genetic Factor genetic factors is a congenital condition of a person, including a dry facial skin conditions.
  2. Structure of the skin Condition the condition of oil glands which are not able to give enough lubrication to the skin, cause dehydration of the skin.
  3. Patterns of eating bad eating Patterns, lack of certain nutrients such as vitamin A and vitamin B is one of the triggers of the skin becomes dry.
  4. Environmental factors environmental Influences such as exposure to Sun, wind, cold air, free radicals or exposure to excessive SOAP while bathing or washing your face would be very influential on the formation of dry skin.
  5. Other conditions of the skin disease which is very likely to cause dry skin because the skin is stricken with certain diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and so on.
Dry skin is another form of active thyroid gland not signs and complications in diabetics. Dry skin occurs when the balance is disrupted oil levels. On oily skin occurs the excess oil on dry skin and thus a shortage of oil. The fat content in the dry skin is very little, so it's easy to make a premature aging marked wrinkles and skin looks tired and look grainy.

Dry skin treatment that is administering the nutrients so that the oil levels stay balanced and skin can always awake in a State of moist. One of the advantages of dry skin can face makeup is more durable, because the levels of oil in the layers of the dermis not excessive to makeup is not easily wear off.

Dry skin has a distinctive: smooth skin but easy being rough, easy to break forth and look dull due to the interruption of the process keratinisasi epidermis, not look excessive oil in the area T caused by reduced secretion of the sweat glands and glands palit or oil glands.

Another trait easily arise wrinkles caused by decreased skin elasticity and reduced power muscles, wrinkle easily arises freckles, easy flaky, makeup worn not easily wear off, the reactivity and sensitivity towards the stimulation of the blood vessel walls is reduced so that blood circulation is not perfect and the skin will look pale, gloomy and tired.


Sensitive skin diagnosis based on symptoms of adding color, and quick reactions towards stimuli. Sensitive skin are usually thinner than other skin types so it is very sensitive to things that can cause allergies (allergen). Capillary blood vessels and nerve endings on sensitive skin is located very close to the surface of the skin. If exposed to the allergen, the reaction is very fast. The reaction forms on sensitive skin usually in the form of red spots, itching, irritation to the wound if not treated properly will impact seriously.

Reddish color on sensitive skin due to allergen spur blood vessels and increase blood flow to the skin surface. By virtue of its nature, sensitive skin care is intended to protect the skin as well as reduce and cope with the irritation. Sensitive skin often cannot be directly observed, needed the help of a dermatologist or a dermatologist to examine it in test allergy-immunology.

In the examination, the patient will usually given some allergen to know the level of skin sensitivity. Sensitive skin has the following characteristics: easy, quick to react to the allergen, easy irritation and hurt, thin skin texture, capillaries and nerve endings are located very close to the surface of the skin so the skin is easily visible redness. Factors that can be the allergen for sensitive skin include: foods that are spicy and pungent spices, caffeine, nicotine and alcohol, niacin or vitamin B3, content of perfumes and dyes in cosmetics, ultraviolet rays and stress disorders.

Sensitive skin in contrast to reactive skin. Although the reddish spots arise or itching due to use of certain cosmetics, not necessarily be a symptom or sign of sensitive skin. The possibility of a reddish blotches above just indicate mild irritation, which will disappear on its own. Reactive skin like this can be sensitive if irritation then extends and difficult to heal. Tests need to be performed to distinguish allergy-immunology by a dermatologist.


Genetic factors causing skin combination many found in Asia. Many women especially in eastern areas have a combination skin: dry to oily or normal-oily. On certain conditions sometimes found the sensitive skin-oily. Combination skin occurs when the levels of oil in the face of uneven.

On certain parts of the sweat glands are very active while other areas are not, since that combination skin care requires special attention. Oily skin areas treated with care for oily skin and dry skin areas or treated in accordance with normal skin types. Combination skin or skin mix has the following characteristics: the skin in the area of oily T whereas in other areas classified as normal or quite dry or vice versa. Besides skin texture match type, which is in the area of oily skin thickening and it will happen in a normal or dry areas will be thinner.

Once you understand what it's makeup, the following functions and types of skin in General. It is hoped you will be wiser in apply makeup based on your skin type. so it will get outstanding results for your appearance. and certainly one the right word is you will look very pretty and charming. We will present reviews about makeup in detail, so for those of you who still lay ever will be able to follow it up properly.

every day we will be presenting the latest content update, so you'll get a lot of information about the makeup of course. When there is an error in the writing, we expect criticism or suggestions from readers. so we can write better content again.

Author: Helena Luccy

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