Beautiful and Elegant Eye Make Up for School

Beautiful in every time? Certainly all women always want. One way that could be made to look beautiful is by using make up. Make up will help us in setting the makeup so desire to always look beautiful will certainly be obtained. However, with women typically make up is always misinterpreting the definition of beautiful. To be able to look more beautiful there are some women who are using excessive make up, because he had learned that the beautiful must be with the display of excess.

The appearance of the face will be prettier with makeup is indeed justified. But whether that would look beautiful should be using excess make up? Surely not. In order to perform all the time no one should be using thick makeup or garish. With a touch of make up a simple will also keep making you more beautiful. With make up a simple will make it look more elegant and will not look excessive.

Well, the use of a simple makeup is not only applied in certain parts of the face only, but should include all aspects of the face is suppose to eyes, lips, cheeks, and others. Eye makeup here has an important role to determine the effect of makeup that we use. In order to perform with simple makeup of course used on the eye should be equally simple.

However, in this tutorial we will give a different touch, where to get a simple eye makeup usually with mengaplikasika colors really natural. But on this occasion there is a little game of colors that will be used but still includes one of natural color. Well, below is a simple eye makeup tutorial, beautiful and elegant.
Tools and materials needed

Mauve-colored eyeshadow
Eyeshawdow Brown young
Purple-colored Eyehshadow
Brush with different size

If the tool and materials already prepared, you can directly apply it by following the steps below.

1. The first step that is eyeshadow applied, colored mauve as the basis by using the brush on the entire eyelid and the eye. Aplikasikanlah are thin.

2. next, combine light brown color on your eyelids part which had been given the previous base evenly using a clean brush.

3. After that, on the corner of the eye the outer apply returns shadow purple-colored with thin using a brush similar to cottonbad or you can use cottonbad itself.

4. then apply black eyeliner on your eyes are thin. Please use your usual wear eyeliner in order to make it easier when applying it.

5. Now, in order to make the eyes more impressed live at the end of the outer eye pulaskan your back shadow colored blue. Aplikasikanlah thicker than before.

6. After that, on the lower part of the silver-colored ayeliner apply eye in order to make the eyes look more fresh.
7. the last Step i.e., pulaskan shadow colored purple on the bottom of the eye.

Well, that's the simple eye makeup tutorial. Though simple but your appearance will look more beautiful and elegant. Good luck.

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